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Steve Larsen Bike Plaza at DHS Stadium

Contributors: Don Martinich

Last year the DBC board approved a donation of $5,000 toward the construction of a bicycle parking plaza at the new Davis High School stadium honoring the memory of Steve Larsen. Three plaques in the plaza recognize DBC’s support of the project. Two tree planters feature a medallion, one for the entire club and one for the DBC Race Team, and we also have a paver with our name. (See photos, below.)

DBC planter
Planter emblem in memory of Steve Larsen
The plaza provides a safe and convenient location for bike parking. The board approved the donation as it was in keeping with our mission to support efforts that encourage cycling in
Paver at DHS Stadium in memory of Steve Larsen
Davis, as well as to be part of a project to honor the memory of Steve Larsen, an important figure in the Davis cycling community.

You can visit the bike plaza by the DHS stadium entrance on Oak Avenue between Covell and 14th street.

Plaza at DHS stadium
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