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DC route modification under consideration

Contributors: Dan Shadoan

For years the DC route between Middletown and Lower Lake utilized a backwoods route up Big Canyon Rd.

Bigs Canyon route for DC

The condition of the road, mostly paved, deteriorated and Lake County determined it could not afford to spend any more funds to keep it up. Bridges washed out and potholes grew and grew.  Finally, the road was closed except for residents only. The County Dept of Public Works refused to grant a permit for the DC to take Big Canyon Road.  We switched to Cobb Mtn on SR175. 

Recently I drove the route and the Road Closed sign is removed.  The worst pavement has been returned to gravel. It seems doable on a bike and needs some test rides to see if we should consider changing the DC route back to the original.  We need a safety report and a flats/mile probability estimate... ;-) 

The section under scrutiny is:  The condition of the road, mostly paved, deteriorated and Lake County determined it could not afford to spend any more funds to keep it up. Bridges washed out and potholes grew and grew.  Finally, the road was closed except for residents only. The County Dept of Public Works refused to grant a permit for the DC to take Big Canyon Road.  We switched to Cobb Mtn on SR175. 

Recently I drove the route and the Road Closed sign is removed.  The worst pavement has been returned to gravel. It seems doable on a bike and needs some test rides to see if we should consider changing the DC route back to the original.  We need a safety report and a flats/mile probability estimate... ;-) 

The section under scrutiny is:  http://tinyurl.com/6jf93cy

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