« July 2024 »
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On the road again

Contributors: Ken Johnson

The sweetest sound in my humble life is the initial metallic clicking of clipless pedals in the absolute stillness of sunrise.......


With jersey pockets crammed with munchies, blood stream jammed with caffeine and the promise of the open road before me,  I have the yin and yang of both full moon and sunrise as inspiration.......

No need for route sheets as I set out on this very familiar 204 kilometers and the morning chill lasts a mere 4 miles.  After the brutal 600K, it had taken $577 in parts and repairs to get back on the road, and now, shiny and new, with fully functioning brakes and 36 spoke wheels without wobble, I am swift and strong and silent and smooth.  I rise from the saddle and soar, scoffing at any thought of the planned rational recovery ride, as this day has promise to be one of those rare magical rides that occur without planning or rationality.  Heading due west with the ascending sun directly behind me, I chase my shadow for hours, drafting myself in a paceline of one.

With no one to share, I can selfishly savor my ride and lose myself to the pure physicality of moving oneself through the universe.  Bottles go untouched, food uneaten, time suspended.  Miles fly by without effort, and somehow, all too soon, I am just minutes from the finish.

 Now I thirst and my water is cool and sweet.  Now I hunger and my Payday candy bar is the perfect storm of salt and sugar and fat. Now my legs remind me of the demanding reality of riding 204 kilometers and I gear down.   I cruise in at a near record time.  Life is good.

Found Items:

18 cents.

8 inch screwdriver.

Personalized Zippo lighter, LUCKY model with 4 Aces;  engraved with "Sailor Jerry"


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