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November 2011 Changing Gears

Contributors: Editor - Adam Bridge, Race Team Editor - Marianne Hernandez

The November 2011 DBC Newsletter

In this issue:

President's Message

November letter

New Members - October 2011

DBC welcomes its new members!

Foxy Feedback

Michael Borgg shares some feedback from this year's Foxy Fall Century.

2011 Holiday Party Announced

Mark your Calendars for the 2011 DBC Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 14th. It will be held at the Davis Senior Center, 646 A Street and this year will be catered by Dos Coyotes of Davis. Soft drinks will be provided gratis but please BYOB. Also, as has been the custom, please bring a desert to share.

Riders get a break of tickets...but not the rules

Campus news regarding cycling

STEAC collection at Holiday Party

For the previous 2 Holiday parties I have provided bins to collect coats , food donations, and cash donations for STEAC, Short Term Emergency Aid Committee. Would like to do it again this year with the clubs permission

The Buscycle comes to Davis

We’ve all seen tandems on our roads, and even the occasional triplet. Those interested in historical cycling machines have seen bicycles that even seat up to six or eight people in a line. Now a human powered vehicle that seats fifteen has been plying the streets of Davis on occasion. The Busycle has come our fair town.

Me, Levi, and 7500 of Our Closest Friends

Another turn of the planet, another October, another Levi’s Granfondo. Considered by some to be the province of clowns, by others the province of legends, the truth lies somewhere in between, but includes both the absurd and the divine. By any measure, the GF is a brute of a ride, and the 2011 edition didn’t disappoint.

"Distance Cycling" by John Hughes & Dan Kehlenbach

A book review by Caneman

A docent's experience at the USBHoF

Due to a rain prediction Saturday, I opted for an indoor activity and signed up to work a shift as a volunteer docent at the US Bicycling Hall of Fame. The main floor was a busy buzz of 100 voices (sensory overload for me), so I watched over the antique collection downstairs. It was a great chance to talk with people in smaller groups, with maybe even better conversation pieces than the early-1980's mountain bikes on display upstairs (e.g. "Breezer number 1").

Levi’s Gran Fondo Santa Rosa, California October 1, 2011

I took 10 juniors to Levi's Grand Fondo and the kids had a BLAST!

Oakland Criterium September 25, 2011 Men’s 35+ 3/4

It was raining as I left Fairfield and it got worse as I arrived in Oakland and thought, “Do I really want to race in the rain on a twisty course?”

Sawtooth Ridge Challenge Mountain Bike Race October 8, 2011

A tongue (or tooth) account of the event.

Riding a Tandem can Improve Parkinson's Symptoms by 35%

In several promising research studies over the past few years, exercise scientists, in particular Jay Alberts of the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, have had remarkable, measurable success with an innovative program that pairs people with Parkinson’s with strong cyclists (trainers) on stationary tandem bicycles to increase their mobility, reduce tremor, and minimize rigidity. (See links below.)

Tandems and Trainers needed

Looking for tandem bikes and trainer stands to help with Parkinson's treatment.

Fixing clearance problems along bike routes

It's easier than you might think.

Paris-Brest-Paris (1200 KM/745 mi.) Aug 21-25, 2011 Part Duex

Continued from last month's entry.

Henleyville Road Race September 24, 2011 Men’s 45+1/2/3 Masters

Henleyville Road Race is not a race that you need to warm up for. So after John and I got our numbers pinned, we went down the road to just spin a little. As we went by the start/finish, I waved and said Hi to Jason Arrino (35+), not knowing that at the time, the officials had combined our fields. Well, once John and I turned around and started back. Atac rode by, and said our race had started! A Velo Promo race on Time?!? Well the chase was on! Luckily they started slow and we caught them in a couple kilometers.

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