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John Licatesi Begins the Summer Hellyer Velodrome Season

Contributors: John Licatesi, Photos by Tim Westmore http://www.argentumimago.com/

John Licatesi gets ready for summer Hellyer Velodrome season in San Jose , CA on May 28

John Licatesi in the Kerin
John Licatesi in the Kerin

I did my first race for the 2011 season at Hellyer and got 3rd in the Category 3/4 omnium (total points accumulated at end of the day determines placing). I was hoping for a bigger field than 9 but it was very competitive nonetheless. I won the Keirin (motorcyle paced for 2 laps, 2 laps riders only sprint) and got second in the points race (points awarded to first rider every 5 laps).  I would have done better if I had not pulled so much in the scratch race (usual points awarded for top finishers place) and starting the Miss & Out (last rider pulled each lap until final 3) at the back and being the first one to get pulled. Lessons learned - stick to the game plan and do not deviate.

John Licatesi at the Kerin
John with his 3rd place ribbon at Hellyer Velodrome
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