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March Madness Helmet report

Contributors: Barry Bonden

Thanks to an outstanding team of new and experienced fitters, the club was able to fit helmets on many kids this year. Esparto, Winters, Calistoga, Davis and Woodland schools were provided with over 700 helmets for kids in grades K through 6. The Davis Police Department was given 20 for the Jr. Highs.

Some older kids were missed because we didn't anticipate the size of current 6th graders. Some are wearing small to medium Adult sizes. Many people provided hours and gasoline to distribute helmets and put smiles on faces. I could name most, but would probably overlook several. Therefore, I would like to highlight some who went the extra miles to Calistoga and Esparto. Gerry Peterson, Bruce and Marilyn Dewey, Diane Richter, Celestine Capart and Phil Coleman hauled tons of helmets to those distant burgs. Esparto students sent us a touching Thank You note.

Without the generous help of Paul Guttenberg and Steve and Terri Macaulay, the program would be a shadow of its present self. Paul orders the helmets from Bell at a deeply discounted rate because he is a factory-trained fitter and the helmets are given away. Paul used to store them in his 3-car garage until he had trouble finding space for the bikes. Then Terri and Steve stepped in and offered their barn. The storage area is now heated (solar), cooled (after sun down) and lighted. The helmets are happy and so are we. Additional helmets were obtained by March Madness Chair Mary James from Ken's Bike and Ski in Davis. The Club bought 30+ upgraded Specialized helmets and the company donated 25 more.

Our next push will be in the Fall with more of the Yolo County schools. Watch this space for details. We are always looking for more fitters. The helmets are very easy to fit and the smiles you receive more than make up for the couple of hours. Some of us even get hugs and high-fives. Just let us know if you would like to be on our A, B or C team. We can train you in less than the time it takes to say "Yes"!!

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