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July's general meeting speaker announced

Contributors: Glenn Mounkes

"Cycle the West of Ireland!

Join us for a presentation on touring some of Ireland's most scenic and historic regions by bicycle!  We feature guided and self-guided cycling tours of beautiful Connemara with misty, craggy mountain peaks, peaceful glens, scenic lakes and stunning seascapes and the Burren with it's unique geological environment of grey limestone rock, abundant botanical and archeological features and renowned cultural history, folklore and traditional Irish music!

Guided tours include experienced Irish cycling guide Ger Mooney and feature cultural, historical and botanical highlights and photography opportunities, hybrid bicycles and route maps are provided, luggage transportation and van supported and sleeping accommodations arranged. Self-Guided tours have the option to be supported or unsupported and include route and itinerary recommendations and hybrid bicycles. Prices vary depending on the type of tour selected and number of tour days."

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