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4th of July Criterium

Contributors: Marianne Hernandez

Ever wonder just what a "criterium" is? And just what do those age groups and skill levels signify? We've got the answers! Read on.


The Davis Bike Club Race Team 4th of July Criterium is always held on the 4th of July in downtown Davis. The course is a 0.7-mile L-shaped loop in downtown Davis, a flat course with five 90-degree left turns and one 90-degree right turn.  This single right turn increases the technical difficulty of the course.

Riders are classified based sex, age and skill level (Category or Cat).

The racing age groups are as follows:

        Youth - Riders under 10 years of age

        Juniors - Riders 10-18 years of age

        Under 23 - Riders 19-22 years of age

        Elite - Riders 23-29 years of age

        Master - riders 30 years of age and over

 Junior and Master races can have additional age sub-groups so you may see races listed as "Junior 15 and under" which would be a race for riders 10-15 years old or "Master 35+" which would be a race for riders 35 years and older. Master races are for riders either 35 and over, 45 and over or 55 and older. The Elite races can be considered an open age group since Juniors and Under 23 riders can ride up in age and enter an Elite race and Masters can ride down in age and ride in an Elite race.

 The Skill groups or categories are:

        Cat 5 - Entry level racers with less than 10 mass start races worthof experience

        Cat 4 - Local level racers  (Entry level for women)

        Cat 3 - Regional level racers

        Cat 2 - National level racers

        Cat 1 - International level racers

        Pros - Cat 1 riders who have a contract with a registered Pro team.

 The races you can enter are based on the combination of your age group and your category. A race listed as a Masters 35+ 4/5 race is open to any rider who is 35 years or older and has a category of 4 or 5. A Masters 35+ 1/2/3 race is for a rider who is 35 or older and has a category of 1, 2 or 3. An Elite 4 race can be entered by a rider from any age group who is category 4. Note that Cat 5's may not enter a race just for Cat 4's and Cat 1,2 or 3's may not enter a race open only to Cat 4's. You may only enter a race where the advertised category restrictions match the category listed on your license

There are several types of races that are classified as "Road Races."

        Circuits, Criteriums or “Crits”

½ mile to 3 mile loop with many laps.  Races are timed.  Prime (or “preem”) laps are announced mid-race with a bell.  This means that the first rider across the finish on that lap receives a prize.  Courses are closed to traffic.  Crits are one of the most spectator-friendly types of races.

        Road Races 

30-70+ miles, depending on category.  Road races involve 1 or more laps, are sometimes point-to-point.  Usually, road races are a large loop (10 miles or more).  Races last two or more hours on open or closed roads.

        Time Trials

“race against the clock” is a set distance where racers race individually or as a team for 10+ miles.  Each rider/team is timed.  Racers win with the fastest times and cannot draft off other riders/teams.

Most of the Davis Bike Club Race Team is comprised of road racers although team members also race track (velodrome), cyclocross, and mountain bike races.  The categorization varies somewhat but is, in general, the same.

See you downtown on the 4th!

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