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Kristen Hill Cat 3 District TT 40 K Championship Sattley, CA

Contributors: Kristen Hill, Photo, uncredited

This was not a race that was on my race calendar but one I had thought about doing since I heart the pain cave so much. We had to get up at 430am and drive the 2 plus hours. Since I have never been to the course I was not sure what to expect. Going there was interesting and very pretty with snow on the mountains but it was very cold. It was so hilly driving there I was thinking I was being lied to and that this course was going to be all hills. Well, the road drops you into a valley so pretty and sunny! And it was flat as a pancake from what I could tell.

Kristen Hill
Kristen Hill on the podium for District Time Trial Championships
I found out there were only 3 women in my category so as long as I finished that meant a podium.  I did not know who the other 2 women were, never heard of them.  (the masters age group category)  I found out later that they are Cat 2's until after, I just wanted to race.

Off we go at the start...it was really nice pavement and a very fast course on the way out.  There were no turns, just a turn around so I would not make a wrong turn

My goal was to complete this course in an hour or less.  To the turn around, I would meet this goal but I still had to make it back.  Once I hit the turnaround I felt a headwind/swirl wind.  I realized also that going out it was a false flat..I had been going down to the turn around and had to dig myself out...but it was never really a hill, you are riding along and wonder why it is so hard to be going flat...I also found it hard to breathe and I could not get my watts very high.  My legs were fried from the previous day’s criterium race and I was feeling the deep pain of the cave.

I made it to the finish in 1:05... better luck next year!  I still earned points for DBCRT.  Next year I will ride this course more often before or buy an oxygen tent!

CAPTION:  Kristen Hill on the podium for District Time Trial Championships

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