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"Distance Cycling" by John Hughes & Dan Kehlenbach

Contributors: Caneman
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A book review by Caneman

Distance CyclingI’ve had some medical problems that have disrupted my distance riding plans. While recovering from the last surgery, I got a copy of John Hughes’ and Dan Kehlenbach’s  book, Distance Cycling, a Complete Guide for Long Distance Rides” and decided to put it to the test.   

The Foxy Century was coming up and I decided to use Hughes’ and Kehlenbach’s book, and particularly the “8-Week Century Program” to get me ready for the Foxy.  I would put the authors and the book to the test and I would do it publicly.   I would follow the program and publish the results weekly on the DBC list serv.

To start with I was way out of shape:  No endurance and no speed. I followed the “8-Week Century Program” (pages 100 – 105 in the book), I also read the entire book and applied other parts of the book, particularly sections on nutrition and fluids, riding techniques, some equipment selection, health and safety concerns.  I found it to be a well organized book covering a wide area of subjects, all clearly presented and fitting together nicely.  Although sometimes technical, it is always informative and is an easy read.

I found that the book would be, and for me – will be, beneficial for learning how to ride different events form centuries - to a brevet series - to multiday events.  There is something useful for everyone.

It covers the areas of Self Assessment, Goal Setting, Setting Priorities, Baseline Conditioning (Something I lacked), Cross Training, Stretching, Resistance Training (weights), Food, Fluids, and Nutrition for the distance cyclist, Equipment Selection (gearing Up) from selecting type of bicycle, its components, clothing, (shoes to helmets), accessories including cycling computers and monitors;  Bike Maintenance; Preparing Your body to Go the Distance (this is where the 8-Week Century Program comes from) with separate chapters for Conquering the Century and 200 km brevets; Ultimate Training; Ultimate Training for Ultra Events; Mastering the Multiday; Ultradistance Riding; and Preventing Injury (I need some work on that one).

I adapted the books information to me.  I cannot do many of the stretches shown in the book as they are beyond the range of motion permitted by the hip replacements, so I did stretches that work for me.  My gear was limited to what I had on hand, and what little additional I could afford.  The book was helpful to me in making my equipment selection and purchases.

I put the 8 Week Century Program into effect and trained according to it.  It was hard training, but doable, and I went from almost dreading a 15 mile ride to completing the Foxy – in just 8 weeks.

The Hughes and Kehlenbach book’s  8 Week Century Program did get me ready for the Foxy.  I finished it and while I felt like I had had a good work out, other than the crash injured knee, I felt good.  The book worked for me and I think beginners to those seeking to ride the longer distances, including multiday events will find something in the book that will be helpful to them.  As the rider’s ability increase, the rider can look to the next, and more advanced, distance event in the book for assistance to get to the desired level, and to get the desired results.

 “Distance Cycling” is informative, its program works.  It is easily understood and is an excellent resource and reference that may benefit any level of cyclist.  It is a How To book that I followed, it showed me how to do it, and I did it (completed the century). For any rider that wants to improve his or her riding and enjoy riding more, “Distance Cycling” is certainly worth the $19.95 price.

Book Reviewed:  “Distance Cycling”

Authors:               John Hughes and Dan Kehlenbach

Publisher:            Human Kinetics (800) 747-4457, E-mail: humank@hkusa.com

Price:                   $19.95

Pages:                  259

Reviewed by:       Caneman

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