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2011 Holiday Party Announced

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Mark your Calendars for the 2011 DBC Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 14th. It will be held at the Davis Senior Center, 646 A Street and this year will be catered by Dos Coyotes of Davis. Soft drinks will be provided gratis but please BYOB. Also, as has been the custom, please bring a desert to share.

Davis Bike Club logoThis year's party favor, a gift to all attendees, is the Davis Bike Club's newest footwear:  DBC branded socks. 

If you plan to attend, please RSVP at:  


We need a head count so that we can order the proper amount of food.

Doors Open at 6:30pm, with Dinner at 7:00pm.  A short program will follow including: Voting and election of the 2012 DBC Board of Directors; Special recognition awards; a visit from a red and white clothed "Kringelicious" man from the North; and more...   We look forward to seeing you there. 

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