Give it up for Philanthropy!

What does philanthropy have to do with Davis Bike Club? by Barbara Anderson, philanthropy director

"All that matters is what we do for each other." -Lewis Carroll

What, exactly, is philanthropy? And what does it have to do with your bike club? The word's Greek origins translate as "the love of all that is associated with being human." In modern terms, philanthropy can be defined as "private initiatives for public good, focusing on quality of life."

We cyclists certainly enhance our quality of life every time we saddle up and head out on a ride. As individuals and as a club, we enjoy sharing our pleasure and that "quality of life" with others. One way we do that is by putting on big events like the Davis Double Century and the Foxy's Fall Century that attract lots of cyclists, who pay a registration fee to participate. After all the costs of these events are paid, some of the money left over goes toward the club's philanthropy budget. And that money, in turn, is used to enhance the quality of life for an even larger community of folks.

As your newly elected philanthropy director, my goal is to continue the high standard set by my predecessors, donating to organizations and causes that benefit cycling and enhance the well-being of our fellow citizens. We will continue to support DBC members who ride in fund-raising events (usually $100 per event; send requests to and contribute to such local organizations as STEAC, the Yolo County Food Bank, among others.

Speaking of those "among others," if you know of an organization, event, cause, or endeavor you believe merits a DBC donation, please send your suggestions to; include relevant details and your contact information, and I'll be in touch.

May you continue to enjoy a high quality of life!

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