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Upcoming cycling-related legislation

The California Bicycle Coalition writes: B 910, our 3-foot passing bill, is up for a vote by the full Assembly in late August. We need your help this month to make sure this bill passes in the face of significant opposition.

Please ask local bicyclists to contact their Assemblymembers with a message of support for SB 910. These messages will be crucial for this next vote: unlike a committee hearing, the debate on the Assembly floor won't include testimony from outside experts and supporters. Instead, the Assemblymembers themselves will be speaking for or against the bill. That's why they need hear from their constituents about why this bill is so necessary.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact CBC Communications Director Jim Brown at jimbrown@calbike.org or 916-446-7558.

I hope we can count on your support. We can't do it without you! 



Dave Snyder

Executive Director

California Bicycle Coalition

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