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Get ready - it's the midnight century

Contributors: Jeff Carroll, Agstockusa, Science Photo Library

For a limited time only a rare opportunity is upon you...You, yes you can participate in the much anticipated Midnight Century, Saturday August 13th...Folks from all over the globe (well at least the bay area and foothills) are coming to ride the Midnight Century...Three different bike clubs and their friends are coming together to participate in a very fun filled ride with great food and new friends.

We start in Davis leaving the Carl's Jr. parking lot at  7:00 PM sharp.  Very few turns as we ride out to Knights Landing then to Grimes.  There is an optional metric century available...you still meet in Davis but  drive out to Knight's Land and ride from there. Five hours of lighting front and rear required, reflective gear recommend...don't skimp on  this.

Your $10 fee covers SAG support and food at the rest  stops (payable at the start of the ride).

For more details look in the Bike Hiker/Davis Bike  Club/Wheelmen schedules.

RSVP no later than August 7th to the  above e-mail address as we will go shopping soon after that for supplies. No  RSVP no ride...got it? Okay :-) 

Important: If your plans change please  update your RSVP.

Steve Cimini & Larry Ng

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