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DBC has an official cartographer

If you haven't stumbled across it already, there's now a Route Maps section on the DBC website.


The idea is to have a place where visitors can go to find links to maps and cue sheets for the club rides we do, and for local and area rides that we recommend exploring.  It is also there as a resource for you to use should you become inspired to lead a club ride.

 So, for example, you can find 'local' routes to and from the Martinez or Fairfield/Suisun Amtrak stations, the Vallejo Ferry, over to Sac and Folsom, down to Clarksburg and Bogle Winery, Around the Mountain, the Dunnigan Hills, and so on.Sample Route

The 'not-so-local' page is under construction, but will feature some of our favorite rides that don't start in Davis or Winters.

There is also a page of resources that link to many other online cycling maps, to help you plan a ride in an area that you may be unfamiliar with.

It's a work in progress, so you will see some missing data.  Check back occasionally, as new rides will be added as they get mapped.

Here's where to jump into this section:  http://www.davisbikeclub.org/rides-and-events/route_maps

If, in the future, you have no idea where to find this again on the website, just type 'maps' in the search box.  Or type in the place you want to ride to.

The Club Cartographer (that would be Deb Ford, semi-officially) is happy to entertain feedback. 

Official e-mail for the DBC club cartographer: mailto:dbc-maps@davisbikeclub.org

She is also very happy to hear about map and route ideas that you may have.  Unless it's another way to get to Winters.  ;-)


Happy riding!

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