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Thanks for your help making the Double Century happen!

Contributors: Photography: Adam Bridge

Where do I start, and how can I acknowledge the enormous amount of thanks to everyone involved in the organization and running of the DC??!!

 May 21, DC Day is now history, but it took months of planning by the DC Committee.  We met once a month starting in January, and by DC Day we became a "family of sorts", serious planning took place but with lots of laughter!  Thank you: Barbara Anderson, Stu Bresnick, Dan Barcellos, Barry Bolden, Adam Bridge, Craig Dinger, Nancy and Jeff Hall, Alan and Jean Jackman, John Hess,  Tim Johnson, David Nishikawa, Dan Shadoan, Marla Stuart, and Jim Sharp.

Eager Middletown worker

Our rest stops were captained by a great crew.  Thank you Mike and Suzanne Crago-Schneider, Bill Sbarra, Craig Dinger, Paul Guttenberg, Nathan Trueblood, Elinor Olsen, Amy Rafferty, Jim Holverstatt, and Amy Thomson.

 In addition there were volunteers who did "double"!!  Thank you Bill Sbarra, Dr. Jack Berger, Susan Ashdown,  Katherine Hess, and Eric Senter.  Thank you to our bike mechanics from Apex Cycles and Service, Davis Wheelworks, and Ken's Bike Ski Board.  Thank you to the US Bicycling Hall of Fame for hosting the Friday pasta dinner.  Thank you to David Nishikawa and his excellent crew of Amateur Radio Clubs.

 Thank you to American Red Cross of Yolo County, Nugget, Yolo Amateur Radio Society, the City of Davis Community Services Department, Farnham Ranch, George Moscowite, Pope Valley Grange Hall, Konocti School District, Middletown School District, West Plainfield Station, Dan Garrison and the Guinda Fire Station, and the personnel at the Vets' Memorial.

 I know there are some who I have overlooked, and I will remember you as soon as I press the "send" button, and I apologize!

 I want to thank the 2011 DC riders for joining us and all the volunteers who helped you get to the Finish!

The final thank you goes to MOTHER NATURE who made the day perfect for you!  Let's continue to be kind to her.

 See you Saturday, May 19, 2012.  Robin Neuman

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