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Berkeley Hills Road Race, Pittsburg Criterium report

Contributors: Photos by David Cheung
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Christopher Harland-Dunaway rode the men's Cat 4 Pittsburg Criterium to a 1st and then the Berkeley Hills Road Race 1st place as well!

Pittsburgh finish
Chris celebrating his victory.

Pittsburgh Crit was a well-sponsored and all-around impressive event with a really cool atmosphere.  Each lap was a little under 1k around a rectangular circuit, which incorporated two "wiggles" on the long straightaways.  The wind was blowing hard when the races got started and picked up throughout the Men's Cat 4 race.  I took refuge behind the other riders, moving from wheel to wheel, watching for breakaway attempts I wanted to join.  No one wanted to attack into the wind, but everyone was excited for primes.  A prime was announced with 6 laps to go and 4 riders rode viciously to go grab it.  I latched on, but left it to them to duke it out for the prime.  I looked back and saw a gulf of separation and decided to go all in.  The counterattack took the field by surprise and they struggled to organize a chase.  I rode as hard as I physically could and was rewarded with 1st.


Chris at Pitts Crit
Chris Harland-Dunaway at the Pittsburg Criterium

Berkeley Hills Road Race was a huge team success for the Cat 4 men.  Jeff Mac Lellan and I drilled the climbs early on the first lap, but no breakaways could get established. During the final lap, Carson and I spoke together and made a plan to have him lead Jeff and I into Mama Bear.  Unfortunately, Jeff got caught up in the peloton and couldn't get to the front with Carson and I.  Carson attacked with me right behind, turning the field from a chatty rabble into a long single-file pain train.  It was amazing!  A selection of 4 or 5 climbers and I separated by the end of Mama Bear.  I didn't wait for the engine to cool and continued attacking up every climb until it was just another rider and I making the final descent towards Papa Bear.  We worked together enthusiastically to extend our lead over the others and the final climb up Papa Bear was a dogfight.  We could barely respond to one another's surges, he attacked with 500 meters to go and I was hanging on by a thread.  I closed my eyes and counterattacked and got away before the line to finish 1st.  Jeff passed 30 riders between the foot of Mama Bear and the summit finish on Papa to net a really solid 5th.  Thank you everyone who worked in the feed zone making sure the DBC'ers were properly hydrated!

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