600k Brevet

Info page for the 600k Brevet

Dates: Friday-Sunday, May 4-6, 2012
Start Time: 20:00  (evening start)
Check in begins: 19:00
Time Limit: 40 hours

The 2012 600k Taylorsville will be similar to the route two years ago in 2010 - a beautiful ride that covers the first half of the Gold Rush Randonnee. The outbound leg heads north from Davis to Knights Landing. From there the route proceeds north, crossing the agricultural plain, through a wildlife refuge, passes east of Gridley and then to Oroville. At that point riders enter the Feather River Valley on highway 70 and climb north, making an early morning stop at Tobin Resort. Passing through Taylorsville for a stop at the Genesee Store, the route continues up Indian Creek to Antelope Lake Dam, halfway point. Riders then head south, following the same route along the Feather River, through Oroville, and back to the start/finish line in Davis. Begin your preparation for the 2013 Gold Rush 1200k by riding this year's 600k which incorporates recent route changes.

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