Exciting news from the League of American Bicyclists

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A unification with the Alliance for Biking & Walking and with Bikes Belong is beginning.

We have exciting news to share with you. We have taken the initial steps to unify three national bicycling organizations - the League, the Alliance for Biking & Walking and Bikes Belong - to create a powerful, dynamic new voice for cyclists at the local, state and national level.  

This is a big step in the evolution of the League and our movement, and we don't take it lightly. Nor do we intend to move forward with such a bold and visionary plan without engaging the very lifeblood of the organization - our members and affiliates - in the process. 

Our goal in taking such a bold step is to serve you better, increase the effectiveness of our core programs, and cement the good relationships we have with our partners in the bicycling movement. We will build a strong membership-based organization and focus our combined resources to strengthen the bicycling movement and transform communities to create a more bicycle-friendly America. 

Nothing is going to change overnight. 

  • The lifelong commitment to the League and to the mission of the organization of our Life Members will be honored
  • All current membership in the League will be similarly honored. 
  • Nothing changes related to the valuable insurance program we offer our clubs and affiliates 


We may make changes in membership categories or structure as we seek to combine the hundreds of thousands of cyclists who belong to local clubs, advocacy groups and affiliated organizations into one powerful national voice. We will keep you informed throughout this process, and welcome your input.

We will continue to promote and protect the rights of cyclists, deliver a nationally recognized cyclists education program, continue the successful Bicycle Friendly America programs, celebrate National Bike Month and organize the National Bike Summit. 

We don't have all the answers yet as to how this will unfold. Board and staff are committed to an open and transparent process to move this forward, and the board still has to approve any further steps towards unification with the Alliance and Bikes Belong. You can e-mail me andy@bikeleague.org and/or my colleague Elizabeth Kiker elizabeth@bikeleague.org with comments, questions, and reactions. 

In the words of the League's board chairman, Hans van Naerssen, "There is a lot of work ahead. We must determine how to combine the diverse strengths of a powerful alliance of state and local organizations, a storied national user group, and a vibrant industry association in a way that preserves their unique attributes and realizes the game-changing potential of a single entity." 

That is the challenge, and the opportunity, that lies before us. We look forward to working with you, and serving you, as we increase cycling - and cyclists safety - in the United States. 

Yours sincerely 

 Andy Clarke 

President, League of American Bicyclists

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