Create a What's New Item

Step by step instructions for creating a news item that appears on the home page

  1. All news items on the website should be kept in one folder, titled What's New, and located here. All "news item" content types that are "published" show up on the home page under "News." 
  2. Go to the What's New page.
  3. In the green area at the top of the content section of the page, select "add new . . ." and from the drop down list, select "news item."
  4. Do not type anything into "Short Name". Let the system name the news item.
  5. Give it a short, simple title. The title will appear at the top of the page, and also will be automatically reformatted to become the URL for the page.
  6. Write a description. The description is the text that will appear on the home page. It should be short, but descriptive (take a look at what's there already for examples).
  7. Type in your page content into the Body Text area. This will be the text that appears as content when someone clicks on the news item to "read more."
  8. Add an image. If at all possible, add a picture and a caption. That will draw attention to the item on the home page. Otherwise, it all gets too text-heavy. The system will format the picture for the news section of the home page and the news item page.
  9. Save the news story.
  10. Set its "state" to "published"; otherwise, it won't appear on the home page.
  11. News stories are set to appear in reverse chronological order, so the newest will always appear on top.
  12. Once the news is no longer relevant, remember to remove it from the home page. The best way to do this is to retract the story (set its "state" to "private"). That way, we remove it from public view, but save the news for archival purposes.
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